You don’t have to see us in-person to see the benefits of our treatment. We utilize the entirety of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not just acupuncture.
We can help with many conditions via telehealth. Because of the current state we are in due to COVID-19, you may be experiencing a spike in anxiety, stress, sleeplessness and digestive issues -- these are all things we can help with. Plus, as spring continues to bloom, you may be experiencing allergy, cold and flu symptoms, which we can also help you curb.
If you’re not sure if we can help your symptoms, please contact one of our clinics.
How can Yu Dayi Chinese Medicine Clinic help?
You don’t have to see us in-person to see the benefits of our treatment. We utilize the entirety of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not just acupuncture. Our practitioners can treat you by providing:
-Acupressure guidance
-Meridian massage instruction
-Dietary advice
-Herbal supplement advice and prescriptions
-Exercise suggestions
-Add any additional services you can provide through telehealth
Visit our YouTube page to see helpful self help tools for managing symptoms at home.
How do you book a telehealth appointment?
You book a telehealth appointment through our booking page just like normal. Currently, we are only offering telehealth appointments, so you will automatically be booked for a virtual visit.
What happens during a telehealth appointment?
For a telehealth appointment, you will need a computer or smartphone with camera capabilities and internet access. When your appointment is confirmed, you will be given a video chat link that will allow you to connect with your practitioner once it’s time for your appointment.
During your appointment, your practitioner will be ready to listen to your health concerns and possibly look at your area(s) of trouble, just like a normal in-person appointment. Once we have an idea of what’s bothering you, we can provide you with our healing recommendations.
Since we are not doing any touching or needling during this appointment, you can expect it to be shorter than a normal visit to our clinic. Typically, our telehealth appointments last between 15-30 minutes.
Is telehealth safe?
Yes! Telehealth is designed to help patients who cannot see a medical care provider in-person for whatever reason. Patients can still receive high-caliber care from their practitioner that will help improve their health.
Stay Safe. Wash Hands. Practice Physical Distancing.
We will get through this together.