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Acupuncture for our Heroes & Seniors Act

Jia Yu

Master Jia Yu traveled to Washington D.C. this past March with the American Alliance of Acupuncture, in support of Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA) Bill HR 1182/1183. Acupuncturists and Chinese Medical Doctors from around the country gathered to support Veterans and lobby to Congress members in support of helping Veterans & Seniors gain access to Acupuncture through the Veteran health bill and via Medicare. Here is a news reel reporting on their efforts.

Master Yu was the 1st Acupuncturist, since Nixon's time, to treat a politician in Capitol Hall. He was demonstrating the effective techniques of pain release with Acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a safe and low cost solution to assist our Veterans and Seniors in managing their pain, without the need to turn to opioid prescription medications. It is important for politicians to realize the cost savings that Acupuncture can have on the federal health budget. Veterans and Seniors do not yet receive enough coverage to see an Acupuncturist. Medicare does not cover the treatments. We hope to change this and help those in need to have easier access to this effective pain management treatment. The politicians need to here from the people too. Please contact your local congress member and let them hear your needs.

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